Bring on the Heat – Have your AC Inspected First though!

April 1, 2015

By Baker Brothers

Bring on the Heat – Have your AC Inspected First though!

As we say goodbye to the last chills of winter (let’s hope), it’s time to prepare for the delightful Texas summer. Your AC unit has been off for many months and will likely need a bit of TLC before you head into the warmer months. Believe us, 15 minutes of care now will pay off in the long run. As we approach that first hot night of “Honey, can we just turn on the AC?” there are a few things you can do to make sure your unit is ready to take on the heat.

1. Change your AC filter.

Your air filter from last season has likely accumulated a lot of dirt and grime over the winter. If you are on the Baker Brothers Family Plan, give us a call and we will change your air filter for you. If you don’t know how to choose the right filter, just call Baker Brother AC and we are happy to lend a hand. Don’t have time to go to the store for a replacement? If you’re on our Family Plan, we also drop ship the correct filters to your door.

2. Clean coils outside.

This is a simple step that many people skip. Before turning on your AC unit, simply hose off the coils outside and be sure to clear away any debris that may have collected over the winter months.

3. Turn it ON and check for functionality.

Is your AC unit properly cooling your house? Is it making strange noises or cooling at an inconsistent rate? It will not take more than a few minutes to determine if you need a maintenance check up from your friends at Baker Brothers.

Are you ready for summer? We hope you’ll follow the simple steps listed above to ensure a cooler home when the heat strikes. A few minutes of preparation now will save you the hassle of replacing your AC unit mid-summer. Stocking the freezer with popsicles is also recommended.

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