With high humidity being a common factor in the DFW Metroplex, it's important to ensure that your attic is properly ventilated. A properly installed ventilation system from Baker Brothers can eliminate the build-up of moisture in your attic and greatly reduce and even eliminate mold growth - a common problem that can cause allergic reactions and breathing issues. Solar attic fans run completely independent of your home's electricity, require no additional wiring and run even at night. They're whisper quiet, virtually maintenance free and proudly made in the U.S.A.
In addition to keeping your attic well ventilated, solar attic fans will also aid your AC system with cooling your home more efficiently. Constant air movement can greatly reduce heat buildup making your home cooler and more energy efficient. Call Baker Brothers today at 214-892-2225, or schedule your free estimate online to discover the benefits of a solar attic fan installation.
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